Zifra is the world’s most innovative digital display system without batteries, that has extensive display options such as seat numbers, row numbers, letter display, company logos and QR-codes. Depending on your wishes, you can make various display combinations. With the unparalleled range of innovative display options Zifra can be adapted to any imaginable room lay-out. In addition, individual adaptation to the situation is possible.
If the row number and the seat number are clearly visible in large set-ups, the visitor can quickly find the right seat. With Zifra, this is even easier to achieve, both for the facility manager of the location and for the visitor.
Check out the extensive Zifra webspecial!
Zifra has won five international awards in recent years. The Casala Design Team recently further optimised Zifra with a larger display and improved resolution. The Zifra display is seamlessly integrated into a plastic, wooden or upholstered backrest. The display shows the desired seat number, row number, company logo, QR code or a combination of these. Thanks to the flat Zifra display, each chair also retains its seating comfort. When sitting down, the user of the chair doesn’t feel the display.
Take a look at chairs, folding chairs by Casala, where Zifra can be applied.